Adjustment Disorders
These mental disorders causes emotional and behavioral symptoms. The criteria for (DSM-IV) diagnostic includes distress that is usually excessive for what would expected from the stressor and usually creates impairment in school, work or social environments. These symptoms must occur within three months of the trauma and the symptoms must last longer than six months.
Anxiety Disorders
These disorders are usually know for having excessive and abnormal fear, worry and anxiety. The types of anxiety disorders are generalized, Agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, Phobias, panic disorders, PTSD- Post traumatic stress disorder and separation anxiety.
Cognitive Disorders
These disorders involve memory, problem solving and perception. Anxiety disorders, mood disorders and some psychotic disorders are sometimes classified as cognitive disorders. Cognitive disorders include, Alzheimer's disorder, delirium, dementia and amnesia.
Developmental Disorders
Childhood disorders are also known as developmental disorders and are usually typically diagnosed during infancy, childhood or adolescence. Some developmental disorders include, mental retardation, learning disabilities, communication disorders, autism, ADHD, conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder.
Dissociative Disorders
These disorders include identity and memory, they also involve a dissociation or interruption in consciousness. Some the dissociative disorders include, multiple personality disorder, dissociative fugue, dissociative identity and depersonalization.
Eating Disorders
People with eating disorders are normally concerned with weight and disruptive eating patterns that affect their lives negatively, physically and mentally. The types of eating disorders are, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and rumination disorder.
Factitious Disorders
The people with this psychological disorder usually acts as if he/she are sick, usually faking or exaggerating symptoms or self inflicting damage to their bodies. The types of this disorder are, Munchausen syndrome, munchausen syndrome by proxy, gander syndrome.
Impulse-Control Disorders
These disorders are the inability to control impulses, usually resulting in harm to oneself or to others. The types of these disorders are stealing, fire starting, hair pulling, gambling, intermittent explosive disorder, skin picking.