Too Much T.V

Children under 2 should not have a "favorite show" because children under 2 should not watch any kind of television. Under the age of 2 is considered the most important time for brain development. This is the time when children need to interact with parents, siblings, play and explore and this determines whether or not the child will develop good physical activities, social development, healthy habits and whether or not the child will be behind academically or socially.

If all a child does is sit and watch television then they will not have any interaction and this will threaten their developmental status. In moderation, T.V. can be a good entertainer and educator. Children who spend more than 2 hours a day watching television are more likely overweight, show aggressive behavior, always afraid and can promote bad behavior.

If you are going to allow your children to watch television, screen the T.V. make sure you monitor what they watch and make sure you are not using the television as an escape for the kids to sit in front of while you do your things!
