Toys for Every Age

Many people think differently when they shop for toys for their kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, or a friends child. Some might buy blocks, balls, trucks, etc. Most people never think about the appropriate toys for the ages of the children. In this article, I will tell you about some age appropriate "smart" toys for every age.


  • Mobiles- These stimulate vision and head movement. The crib mobiles can also stimulate and develop attention span.
  • Ring Stacks- Babies learn about sizes, shapes, colors, and numbers with these. 
  • Mirrors- Babies become aware of themselves and develop self recognition.
  • Push-Pull toys- This helps with balance, large muscle strength, walking, and gets them ready to explore the world later in life.
  • Balls-Encourages hand-eye coordination, gross motor skills and dexterity.
  • Shape sorting toys-Encourages problem solving skills. 
  • Mechanical Toys-Busy toys with knobs, handles and buttons encourages hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, problem solving and cause and effect.
  • Role Play toys- Encourages pretend play, and helps express social and emotional development by expressing emotions to do something.
  • Arts and Crafts-Encourages creativity and self esteem
  • Blocks and construction sets-Encourages problem solving skills and hand eye coordination. Helps use their imagination and build self esteem
  • Puzzles-Helps with coordination, dexterity, spatial relationships, and logical thinking
  • Pretend Play-Identify gender specific rolls as boys dress up as cops or firefighters while girls dress up as nurses or princesses. 
Big Kids
  • Jump Rope-Kids learn how to get along with others and take turns. Encourages problem solving and large motor skills.
  • Card and board games-Encourages strategy, taking turns, rules, and fair play. Good sportsmanship skills
  • Musical instruments- Helps build attention skills, builds fine motor skills and encourages listening.
  • Science Toys-Promote discovery, problem solving, improves math skills, and science skills and develops imagination