Behavioral Warning Signs

It is important to keep a good eye on their child's behavior because early childhood is a time for rapid growth and development.

It may be time to reconsider your current child care situation if your child displays sudden changes in behavior or it may be time to do something different at home if your child continues to show these behavior problems. Here are a couple warning signs to watch for...

  • Excessive clinging- If your child has never been clingy before and all of a sudden is, there may be a sign of a problem. It's useful to note when and where this behavior takes place, for example, does your child become clingy before or after the sitter this may be a sign that the child is not receiving the attention he or she needs from the sitter, therefore additional attention is needed from you at this time.
  • Cries non stop- A serious problem is when the child will not stop crying when left with a baby sitter/caregiver. You have to ask your self does my child cry in response when I leave all the time or just in response to a certain sitter?
  • Frequent accidents-Poor supervision or physical abuse might be a sign of a pattern of accidents.
  • Not comfortable communicating- Your child should feel the same way about their caregiver as they do about you, being able to communicate thoughts, concerns, feelings and problems. If your child cannot communicate with the sitter in this way this may be a sign that he/she is not receiving the emotional support and guidance he/she needs.
  • Disobedient or defiant- Another problem that may show a sign of underlying problems with the sitter may be sudden displays of uncharacteristic disobedience or defiant behavior. It is important to develop a behavior plan with your child's caregiver in order to maintain stability and consistency.
  • Noticeable behavior change-The most alarming warning signs are sudden or dramatic changes in behavior. Look into the situation immediately if you notice a change in your child's behavior or sleeping patterns.